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How to Help Your Pharmacist Help You

National Pharmacists’ Day is a great time to acknowledge those who help to keep us healthy all year long.
Are you making the most of the wealth of knowledge they bring to their job each day? We tend to think of our pharmacists primarily as the people we get our drugs from, but they can be so much more.
Below are eight tips to help them be more of a partner in your health care. These tips are so important for seniors and those with more than one diagnosis as they are more likely to have a higher number of prescriptions and be more at risk for falls.
Eight Tips to Help Your Pharmacist Become Your Health Care Partner
- Make sure your pharmacist is aware of any allergies and side effects experienced with past or current medications.
- Ask about side effects of any new medication(s). For the elderly or those at higher risk of falls, make sure to note any risk of dizziness, fainting, and lightheadedness.
- Make sure to ask for the pharmacist’s recommendations if any of the side effects occur. (When to call the doctor, when to stop the medication, what side effects are not concerning, etc.)
- Make sure you understand how much to take, how often to take it, and for how long.
- Ask about any potential drug interactions if you are taking more than one prescription.
- Don’t forget to ask about interactions with EVERYTHING you are taking including over the counter medications, vitamins and supplements.
- If you are unsure why certain medications have been prescribed for you or someone you care for, don’t hesitate to ask.
- Some pharmacists also provide comprehensive medication reviews where you can have them evaluate all medications taken and make recommendations. This can be extremely helpful if you realize a loved one seems confused about what they are taking and why, and you are trying to help them sort it out.
Thank you to all our local pharmacists for the wisdom they share to help keep us healthy!
Date: January 12, 2023