The Back Nine

So, you’re on the back nine, just about ready to tee off and your phone rings and it’s your spouse. “Hey, honey, where are you?” “I’m in the middle of my Thursday afternoon golf outing, you respond.” “Well, you didn’t tell me”
your spouse says. To which you reply, “Yes, I did. We talked as I headed out the door.” “Oh, I don’t remember…how soon will you be home. I don’t want to be alone”, offers your spouse. And, the conservation continues…
One of the biggest challenges of our time is also one of the least recognized: the caregiving of a loved one, be it a parent that has just gotten older and can’t get around much anymore or a spouse who is suffering from Alzheimer’s, or a family member that has just undergone a operation and has a long recovery process ahead of them. It’s not like it’s a secret. We complain to each other about the difficulties of incorporating this into our lives and balancing it all but we each think we are special and that this is only something we personally are going through. Most of us have not connected the dots and realized that this is major issue for all of us.
Three interesting facts:
- One in four of us are now involved with caregiving for a spouse, family member or friend
- The percentage quoted above is only going to increase:
- Alzheimer’s, just one of many other diseases resulting in the need for constant care, is estimated to affect 1 in 10 Americans aged 65 and older and nearly one in two aged 85 and older.
More and more families are turning to professionals to help with their caregiving needs. Sometimes it is due to work or family commitments. Other times, we find that we just aren’t hardwired to provide the care. Begun over 40 years ago Griswold Home Care is one of the oldest and most trusted names in Home Care. The Tampa and Pasco Offices have referred caregivers to over 1500 clients since 2008, with over 200,000 visits and almost 2 million hours served. Our Five Star Client Service Rating is 4.9. And, our pricing is among the lowest in the area. Locally owned and operated by Arthur and Frieda Moseley, our team has over 60 years of Nursing, Social Work, Certified Senior Advisory and Dementia/Alzheimer’s related experience.
What does Home Care include?
- Homemaking – meal prep, light house cleaning, etc
- Companionship- incidental transportation, safety supervision
- And Personal Care – assistance with bathing, toileting, eating, dressing, ambulation, transfers
Call us at 813.343 .0272 for a free consult.
Griswold Home Care
We Give People They Help They Need to Live in the Place They Love
Delivered with Heart
Licensed Bonded Insured
NR#30211332 NR#30211139
Date: June 30, 2022