Griswold Care Pairing for Scarsdale & Yonkers Change Location

Date: September 6, 2024

Author: Robert Kreek

Home Care Assistance in Yonkers NY

Hearing loss is a common issue among seniors, yet it’s often overlooked or accepted as a normal part of aging, creating a stigma that stops seniors from getting the help they need. At the same time, the need for regular hearing tests is downplayed. Unfortunately, disregarding hearing health can have serious negative effects on one’s physical, mental, and social well-being. This means that seniors will need not only home care assistance but also support from loved ones to help them break through the stigma and take an active role in their hearing health.

Signs That Indicate Issues With Hearing

Since seniors might not immediately recognize an issue with their hearing, it requires home care assistance and loved ones paying attention to catch the signs they miss. Some of those signs include the following:

  • Asking others to repeat their conversation
  • Finding it hard to follow along with conversations
  • Withdrawing from social situations
  • Increasing the volume on the TV, radio, or other devices
  • Complaining about a “ringing” in their ears
  • Actively not participating in conversations
  • Leaning in closer while in a conversation

When one or more of these things begins to happen regularly, it’s possible the senior is having issues with their hearing. Approaching them in a supportive way while also exploring the benefits of regular hearing tests can encourage them to get the needed testing.

Benefits of Regular Hearing Tests

According to research, seniors’ cognitive decline and untreated hearing loss are strongly related. Impaired hearing puts more burden on the brain’s ability to interpret noises, which may exacerbate cognitive problems and perhaps lead to dementia and memory loss. By ensuring that any hearing loss is appropriately controlled, routine hearing tests help lower the risk of cognitive decline.

Another benefit of regular hearing tests has to do with socialization. First, many seniors aging in place often struggle with loneliness. Those struggles are amplified when they start to withdraw from social situations because they can’t hear. Exploring this issue with seniors and explaining how regular hearing tests can help detect and treat issues so they won’t have to miss out on time with friends and family is key.

Safety issues also increase as hearing loss worsens. This is because a decrease in hearing can make it harder for seniors to hear sirens, alarms, or oncoming cars. Frequent hearing tests improve seniors’ safety both at home and in public by ensuring they stay aware of their surroundings.

Tips for Promoting Regular Hearing Tests

First and foremost, it’s important to normalize conversations surrounding hearing loss to help break down the stigma. The fact is that this issue is no different than dental or vision problems. Second, with home care assistance by their side, seniors can explore hearing issues, the benefits of hearing testing, and even possible solutions in the comfort of their home by reading online articles, having open conversations, and gaining the support they need to process their feelings about their hearing health.

Once seniors are comfortable with moving forward, loved ones can help them schedule their first appointment and attend with them so they don’t become overwhelmed. Speaking of scheduling their first appointment, ensuring a good fit is essential. Loved ones can do this by paying attention to reviews, talking with friends who also care for their older loved ones, and with home care.

Maintaining seniors’ general health and well-being requires regular hearing testing. With home care assistance and loved ones support, seniors can start to understand the importance of hearing testing and hearing health.


If you or an aging loved one are considering home care assistance in Yonkers, NY, please contact the caring staff at Griswold Home Care for Scarsdale & Yonkers today. (914) 337-5028.

Date: September 6, 2024