Griswold Care Pairing for Scarsdale & Yonkers Change Location

Date: August 23, 2024



Senior Home Care in White Plains NY

The longer summer goes on, the hotter it tends to feel. Even in late summer, seniors can be vulnerable to heat-related illnesses. That means it’s more important than ever for family caregivers to know what to do to protect seniors from summer heat. Senior home care providers can be a valuable source of support in keeping seniors safe in all sorts of ways, including when it comes to hot weather.

Prioritize Hydration All Day Long

It really can’t be overstated that hydration is crucial for seniors. Not everyone enjoys drinking lots of water, so eating hydrating foods is also important. Limiting caffeine and alcohol can help seniors avoid dehydration a little more readily. When seniors get the right amount of hydration, it’s easier for their bodies to regulate temperature, which helps to prevent heat-related issues.

Dress in Light, Breathable Clothing

The right clothes can help seniors stay cooler. Clothing that is lighter in color helps to reflect heat, which keeps them cooler overall. Natural fabrics like linen and cotton are more breathable, which means they allow sweat to evaporate more easily. Dressing in layers helps seniors adapt to cooler indoor temperatures while staying comfortable if they step outside. Elder care providers can help seniors choose the right clothes for the weather.

Time Activities Appropriately

Even when seniors stay indoors, they can still feel the impact of the heat. Timing more intense activities for earlier in the day or after it cools down can help. During the hottest part of the day, it’s better to engage in more relaxing activities. Reading and relaxing when it’s hotter allows seniors to conserve their energy.

Keep the Home Cool

Electricity prices keep going up, which can cause seniors to worry about keeping their homes cool during hot weather. Using blinds and curtains properly can take some of the pressure off of the central air unit. Fans keep the air moving and help the AC work better, too. If the house doesn’t seem to be cooling down much at all, check things like the air filter to make sure it’s been replaced recently.

Recognize Signs of Heat Illness

Senior home care providers can help seniors to watch for signs that the heat is affecting them more than they might realize. Symptoms like heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, nausea, and headache could mean that seniors are undergoing heat exhaustion. Recognizing these symptoms quickly helps prevent serious health issues.

Plan Ahead for Extra Hot Days

It’s always good to look at the weather forecast for a few days ahead. If the weather is projected to be extra hot, seniors may need to have some extra help. Home care providers can help them to stay cool and if the house is too warm, they can help seniors get to a cooling center or somewhere else they can cool down.

Senior home care providers are there for aging adults in all sorts of ways. They can offer an incredible amount of help during hotter weather, though, especially if seniors are having a tougher time recognizing when they’re having trouble regulating body temperature.

If you or an aging loved one are considering senior home care in White Plains, NY, please contact the caring staff at Griswold Home Care for Scarsdale & Yonkers today. (914) 337-5028.

Date: August 23, 2024
