4 Signs Your Senior Loved One Is Dehydrated

Dehydration is a real issue for many seniors. There are many factors that can contribute to seniors becoming dehydrated. As people age they may feel thirsty less often even though their body still needs water. Seniors with dementia or memory impairments may forget to drink water or be unable to recognize the feeling of being thirsty. Dry mouth and feeling thirsty can also be side effects of many of the medications that seniors take for chronic health conditions.
Dehydration can lead to serious health problems in seniors that are chronically dehydrated. Drinking more water throughout the day is recommended for all seniors. Companion care at home is a great way to encourage seniors to drink water regularly throughout the day. A companion care at home provider can also watch for signs of dehydration. If you see your senior parent displaying these symptoms they could be dehydrated:
Sunken Eyes
Seniors that are not drinking enough water can develop physical symptoms like sunken eyes over time. When you look at your senior parent be sure that you’re really looking at their face and hands for any changes that could indicate medical problems. Dry, taut skin and sunken eyes are clear signs of dehydration. You can help your senior loved one avoid getting to that point of having shrunken eyes by encouraging them to drink water throughout the day every day.
Dark Urine
Kidney function can decease with age which can lead to more concentrated and darker urine, but if you are noticing that your senior loved one’s urine is very dark it is likely due to dehydration. Make sure that you or a companion care at home provider who takes care of your loved one is checking the color of your senior parent’s urine. If your senior loved one is getting enough water their urine should be a pale yellow color. If it’s dark or looks cloudy that is a symptom of dehydration.
Excessive Fatigue
Fatigue is a very general symptom so it’s difficult to pinpoint why a senior is feeling fatigue sometimes. But if your senior loved one is more tired than usual and you know that you haven’t seen them drinking water frequently then you should encourage your senior parent to drink more water. If the fatigue starts to get better when your senior parent starts to drink more water then the fatigue was most likely related to dehydration.
Confusion or disorientation
Just like with fatigue confusion and disorientation are common symptoms for seniors to have. But confusion or fatigue that is related to dehydration will come on rather quickly and dissipate as they drink water. So if you notice that your senior parent is starting to not make sense or sounds like they are confused get them to drink some water. If they are back to being clear minded after they drink it was probably just dehydration. If they are still confused or disoriented after they have had a big glass of water then you should schedule a doctor’s appointment for them.
Date: September 10, 2021