Date: July 28, 2022

Author: Kathleen Boziwick

Dogs dramatically enhance the quality of life for several elderly by offering comfort and companionship. Elderly isolation is a serious problem in the United States, and emotional support animals may assist combat it. Caring for an animal companion may also give elderly a feeling of purpose. Unfortunately, not all seniors want to take care of dogs, and not everyone likes dogs.

These animals are not always easy to train, and not all of them belong in a home with a senior. Depending on your mom or dad’s mobility will also determine what kind of animal they end up with. Giving a dog to a senior with limited mobility is unfair to the animal and to the senior who cannot provide the necessary activities to keep healthy. Luckily, other options are much easier and may better suit your senior.

Birds May Be Better Pets

Birds are smaller and need less maintenance, making them perfect for older individuals who lack room for pets. Moreover, there is a bird for each owner. Canaries and finches are pleasant companions that need minimal interaction. Parakeets need more care from their owners, but they may be taught to speak, which many people find quite entertaining. Certain birds need more care than others; therefore, the senior must choose a bird that suits his or her lifestyle. Some birds will even talk to your senior and can learn specific phrases.

Try Out Ferrets

Now ferrets are unique pets to have for some individuals, but you’ll need to keep a few things in mind. If a senior lives in California or Hawaii, ferrets are actually illegal pets. Even out of these two states, each town may have its own ferret rules, so it is best to look them up or stop by your local town hall first. Similar to rabbits, ferrets are often neglected as pets. Due to their gregarious and active nature, ferrets are the most high-maintenance pet on our list. They need a tremendous lot of attention. Ferrets are very curious and must be observed often to prevent mischief. However, a ferret might be an excellent choice for energetic seniors seeking a unique companion.

Choose a Small Bunny or a Large Rabbit

For the right individual, a rabbit may make a great home pet. Similar to cats, rabbits have unique personalities, some energetic and others cautious. Some owners teach their rabbits to use a litter box, while others allow them to roam freely around the house. Others choose to confine their rabbits for the most of the day. Seniors contemplating a caged rabbit should be informed that, unlike smaller rodents, rabbits need a few hours every day outside of their cage. Otherwise, they will not exercise enough.

It’s time to give your seniors a friend to take care of. Finding the right animal will take time, and you should always do your research. Not every house will be suitable for a ferret, and not every senior will have enough space for a bunny who needs to hop a few hours daily. There are thousands of pets to choose from, but it is truly something that depends on the senior.

How Senior Home Care Can Help

Even if your parent is unable to care for the smallest pet without help, senior home care can assist them with this and many other tasks. Senior home care offers companionship, help with pet care, transportation, light housekeeping and more. When your parent needs help around the house, consider senior home care to step in and help.

Date: July 28, 2022