Date: May 8, 2020

Author: Kathleen Boziwick


Following a stroke, heart attack, or another health issue, your dad cannot be alone. Your family’s talked it over and daily assistance is crucial. It’s been determined that someone needs to quit their job to care for him, and the person who seems best suited is you.

Before you hand in your notice, you need to carefully weigh the reasons you should quit and the reasons you shouldn’t. It’s not a decision to rush, especially when there are alternatives that may be better for you and your family. These are the questions to ask yourself.

What About Health and Dental Insurance?

If you quit your job to care for your dad, will you have health and dental insurance coverage through a spouse or partner? Are you old enough to qualify for Medicare for older adults? If not, what happens if you have a health emergency or injury?

If you don’t have insurance, the cost of medical tests and procedures can easily bankrupt you. You can sign up for a private policy without working, but you need to have the funds to pay the premiums. If you get insurance through an employer, the difference in cost can be shocking.

How Will the Bills Get Paid?

Are you moving in with your dad? Does he have the income to afford to add additional people to his household? If you are keeping your own house, can you afford the rent/mortgage without having a job? Can you still pay utility bills,

Do You Have Retirement Savings Built Up?

When you’re old enough, will you have anything saved for your retirement? If you quit your job and end up with no retirement funds of your own, how are you going to afford to live?

Will you end up having to work for the rest of your life? What happens if you have a chronic health condition? Will your children end up having to pay your bills?

There’s a Smarter Way

You cannot put your retirement and finances in jeopardy. Yes, it’s your dad, but you have to put your needs first. If caring for him is going to bankrupt you, you have to find a smarter way to balance the care he needs with your responsibilities to yourself, your children, and your partner.

Help your dad when you can. When you have to work or have other obligations, hire elderly care services. Caregivers can help him with many daily tasks. He’ll have caregivers to prepare and serve meals, remind him to take his medications, offer encouragement, and take him to appointments.

Elderly care services assure you that your dad is being cared for and keeps you from sacrificing your future. Call a specialist to learn more about the possible services and prices.

Date: May 8, 2020
