Date: March 14, 2025

Author: Griswold Home Care of Greater Temecula


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) plays a pivotal role in supporting those who have served in the military. Veterans face unique challenges as they transition back to civilian life, and the VA offers an array of benefits designed to help them navigate these challenges.

1. Disability Compensation

  • Service-Connected Disabilities: If a veteran’s injury or illness is linked directly to their time in the military, they may qualify for compensation.
  • VA Disability Ratings: The VA evaluates disabilities on a percentage scale, ranging from 0% to 100%. A higher rating means more financial support.

2. Educational Benefits

  • Post-9/11 GI Bill: This program provides veterans with financial assistance for tuition, fees, and housing costs while attending college, vocational school, or training programs. It also includes a provision for transferring benefits to dependents.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E): For veterans who have service-connected disabilities and want to pursue a career, VR&E provides training and support for career development.
  • Montgomery GI Bill: This program offers education benefits to veterans who enlisted and made contributions during their military service.

3. Home Loans and Housing Assistance

  • VA Home Loan: Veterans can take advantage 0% downpayment, low-interest loans, and favorable repayment terms through the VA-backed loan program.
  • Adapted Housing Grants: For veterans with service-connected disabilities, the VA provides grants to modify their homes to meet their needs.

4. Pension Benefits (Retired)

  • This can be those who are medically retired or retired after the requisite period of service in the military.

5. Burial and Memorial Benefits

  • National Cemeteries: Veterans are eligible for burial in a national cemetery, and their spouses and dependent children can also be buried there.
  • Headstones and Markers: The VA provides headstones and markers for veterans at no cost.
  • Burial Allowances: Financial support is available to assist with the costs of burial, depending on the circumstances of the veteran’s death.


  • This involves state-specific benefits such as educational benefits to UC schools and state universities; potential property tax exemptions, and much more.

7. VA Home Care

  • Aid and Attendance: This is a pension that the VA pays for specifically for home care. Income & asset qualifications and wartime qualifications will determine eligibility.
  • Community Care: The veteran must first be enrolled in the VA healthcare system. Then the veteran must be evaluated for any home care needs to receive an authorization for care.


I hope that this at least sparks the interest to find out more about what you, or your loved one, may be entitled to as a veteran. To learn how your loved one can live at home in the Temecula, Murrieta, and Menifee greater areas, please visit our website at Greater Temecula Providing Caregivers | Griswold (, call/text 951-281-0681, or email

Date: March 14, 2025
