How to Ease Hip Pain in Elderly Adults

About 50% of seniors say they have hip or knee pain, which can be quite debilitating. Luckily, there are ways to properly treat this pain. In this post, we will review how to ease hip pain in the elderly, including exercises for hip pain for seniors.
Causes of Hip Pain in Elderly Adults
Hip pain can come from a variety of causes. These include:
Arthritis. This condition in the front part of the thigh or groin can often cause hip pain.
Femoral acetabular impingement. This abnormal growth around your hip is a precursor to hip arthritis. It can cause pain with movement and exercise.
Hip fractures. When older adults experience a break in the upper quarter of the thigh bone, it can be serious and lead to major problems. This is especially prevalent in those prone to falls or who have weaker bones.
Osteonecrosis of the hip. Necrosis from loss of blood supply to the bone can often cause hip pain.
Osteoarthritis. The chronic joint condition can commonly cause hips burn at night and other nighttime hip pain
Gynecological issues. Hip pain in elderly women can often be caused by conditions such as endometriosis.
Other infections and injuries. Infections in the bones or joints labral tear of the hip can also be causes for hip pain in the elderly.
Symptoms of Hip Problems in the Elderly
Symptoms of hip problems in old age include:
Pain in the hip joint (usually felt in the groin area)
Referred pain to the knee or thigh
Pain while putting weight through the leg on the affected side
Reduced range of motion
However, you should visit the emergency room if you injure yourself and experience any of the following symptoms:
Trouble moving your hip or leg
Inability to move your hip or leg
Hints of deformity in your joints
Serious pain
Signs of infection, like redness, chills, or fever
Sudden swelling
Hip Exercises for the Elderly
Exercise for hip pain for seniors can help alleviate some of these painful symptoms. Some exercises include:
Yoga. Yoga for hip pain for seniors can include laying down on your back and folding your knees to touch your chest. Keep your knees bent and wrap your arms around your bent knees. Slowly pull your knees and chin to your chest until you feel a stretch at your lower back. Hold this pose for 20 seconds.
Standing hip flexor. Stand with your feet apart and hands at your hip. Place your left foot forward and slowly bend your knee and lift your right heel off the floor. Lean forward and squeeze your right glute in position between 30 and 90 seconds. Repeat with the opposite foot.
Butterfly pose. Stand tall. Then bend your knees and ensure your soles touch at the center. With your spine erected, grab each foot with your hands. Inhale and then exhale while lowering your torso forward. Hold the position when you feel the stretch. Hold for 60 seconds.
Prone straight leg raise. Lay face down and tighten your core muscles by sucking in your stomach. Keep your stomach on the ground and your buttocks tight as you slowly lift one leg up. Wait three seconds and gently lower your leg. Repeat 10 times. Then repeat the exercise on the other leg.
Hip circles. Stand with your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart. Slightly bend your knees and place your hands on your hip. Slowly rotate your hips clockwise in the shape of big circles while your toes are planted on the ground. Do this for 30 seconds. Repeat in the counterclockwise direction.
Other Ways to Treat Hip Pain for Seniors
If exercises prove to be impossible, there are some other ways to treat and prevent hip pain. These include:
Heat and ice
Pain relievers
Clear your living area of any potential fall hazards
Use a walker or cane when needed
Wear comfortable shoes
Date: 2023-03-28